عبارات تحفيزية للاختبارات النهائية 2021

Motivational phrases for final exams 2021 They are the distinctive phrases that will increase the student’s enthusiasm, encourage and motivate him to study and work hard in the days leading up to the final exams or the final exams for the year 2021, which are the exams for the end of the first term in Saudi schools, and in this article from the reference website we will put a set of motivational phrases about Final exams, in addition to encouraging words for students in exams and supplications for students on the night of the exam and during the exam.

Final exams 2021

The final exams in 2021 are the final exams for the first semester of the academic year 1443 AH in all schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The year 2021 AD, and this exam ends on the day of the start of the final leave for the first semester of the academic year in Saudi Arabia, and the date for the end of the final exams in the first semester in Saudi schools will be on Thursday, which corresponds to the 20th of Rabi’ al-Thani 1443 AH. It falls on November 25, 2021 AD.

When do the final exams start in 2021

Motivational phrases for final exams 2021

The student needs a lot of encouraging and motivational phrases and words in order to increase his enthusiasm and courage to study and prepare for the final exams, and here we present a set of motivational phrases for the final exams 2021:

  • You, the student, have to persevere and not stop working and studying and making effort and time in order to reach what you want. Dreams are not achieved by wishes only, but are achieved by work, effort and fatigue.
  • The issue is similar to a challenge, if you succeed, student, to strive and work to win this challenge, you will definitely win it, the challenge is the basis, challenge yourself and surpass it to succeed in the final exams.
  • Life is not for losers, life is for those who persevere and do their best to reach their dreams, and the upcoming final exams and other tests are stations that show human determination and the extent of his ability to overcome difficulties and obstacles in this life.
  • You, the student, have to prove to all people that you are capable of doing miracles and that life is sweet with patience, perseverance and work. There is no life without work and no life without challenges, and the final exams are one of the challenges facing a person in life, and it is one of the challenges that are commensurate with human age and stage.
  • God is on the side of the persevering, and you, the student, are one of the persevering who make their effort and time and shed sweat for the sake of success. Trust that God is with you and persevere in the way of success and in order to reach what you want.

Encouragement phrases for students in final exams

Among the distinctive encouraging phrases for students in the final exams are the following distinctive phrases:

  • All students must prove to all people that the impossible will be a reality, and that succeeding in all these final exams with perfect marks is something that requires persistence and determination and we will achieve it with our infinite determination and determination.
  • Weakness is the biggest lie in this life. A person must get rid of weakness and eliminate it and not let him find a way to himself. Weakness should never be present in a person’s dictionary.
  • To all dear students, you should all give from your hearts everything you can in order to rejoice in the success of the final exams. Studying requires work and effort and you are able to do so, may God Almighty grant you success.
  • You students should be proud of yourselves. You are the builders of the near future. You are the generations of the coming years. Do not let weakness lead to your hearts. You are stronger than weakness and stronger than everything.
  • Every student should know perfectly that weakness, humiliation and surrender are not correct terms, and their purpose is to break high aspirations, so the student must do what he can in order to build himself and himself.

Encouragement phrases for students on the test paper

After the encouraging phrases for students in the final exams, we present the following a set of encouraging phrases for the students on the test paper:

  • When you are sitting at the exam table and holding the exam paper remember your big dreams, be calm and start solving the questions one by one, and never let doubt and fear enter your heart.
  • You must not forget that when you hold the test paper, you will have the responsibility to keep your calm, and you have to be good at this.
  • Do not let fear creep into you if you grab the exam paper. Be a doctor yourself and teach yourself patience and calmness in solving questions, and do not be a reason for fear to spread within you and to fail the exam.
  • Try to stay calm when you receive the test paper and start solving the questions one by one, being careful not to read the questions all at once.

motivational phrases in english with translation

motivational phrases for exams in english

Among the most beautiful motivational phrases for final exams in English are the following distinctive phrases:

  • All students must prove to all people that the impossible will be a reality, and that succeeding in all these final exams with perfect marks is something that requires persistence and determination and we will achieve it with our infinite determination and determination.
  • You, the student, have to prove to all people that you are capable of doing miracles and that life is sweet with patience, perseverance and work. There is no life without work and no life without challenges, and the final exams are one of the challenges facing a person in life, and it is one of the challenges that are commensurate with a person’s age and stage.
  • All students must prove to all people that the impossible will be a reality, and that succeeding in all these final exams with perfect marks is something that requires persistence and determination and we will achieve it with our infinite determination and determination.
  • The issue is similar to a challenge, if you succeed, student, to strive and work to win this challenge, you will definitely win it, the challenge is the basis, challenge yourself and surpass it to succeed in the final exams.

Motivational phrases for Twitter exams

Among the most beautiful motivational phrases for the final exams on Twitter are the following distinctive and expressive phrases:

  • Dreams, my friend, require effort and effort. No one has achieved his dream while sitting in his house doing nothing. You have to be ready to sacrifice the best years of your life in order to reach the place you want.
  • You have to be supportive of yourself before everyone else, you are the one who deserves to get yourself to the place you want, work hard and stay up the night and tire during the day to reach success in life, and the final exams are one of the simple difficulties in this life that need fatigue, consider it an experience for yourself.
  • Do not stop dreaming, and remember that dreams need a lot of fatigue in order to reach them, you deserve to reach what you want, work and persevere and you will reach, and make the current final exams an experience of your success.
  • With a little effort, effort and study, God willing, you will succeed in the tests. You just have to not despair and not give up. If surrender enters your heart, you will never reach your goal and you will become a defeatist person who is always afraid of everything.
  • Dreams do not come true easily, they need seriousness in the first place, and this is what a person must possess in his life in general, and this is what a person can obtain if he decides to do so.
  • Final exams are a passing stage in life, you have to make it an experience and try yourself in it and test your endurance and determination to work and your determination to succeed. .

Prayers on the night of the final exams

There are many blessed supplications that a student can recite on the night of the final exams, and among these supplications are the following:

  • The first prayer:

Oh God, make my heart Nora, Nora and in the visual, auditory and in Nora, Nora and the right-wing, left-wing and Nora, and Nora on me, and undertow Nora, and Nora in front of me and behind me Nora, Nora and Mark Lee.

  • The second prayer:

Oh God, the teacher of Moses teach me, and the understanding of Solomon understand me, and the wisdom of Luqman and the separation of the speech, give me wisdom and the separation of the speech, O God, make our hearts full of your remembrance, and our hearts with your fear, and our secrets with your obedience, that you are over all things, God is sufficient for us and He is the best agent.

  • The third prayer:

O God, help me and do not help against me, help me and do not help me, plot for me and do not deceive me, guide me and ease guidance for me, and help me against those who transgressed against me.

  • Fourth prayer:

O God, I ask You of all good, immediate and future, what I know of it and what I do not know, and I seek refuge in You from all evil, immediate and later, what I know from it and what I do not know, O God, I ask You for the good of what Your servant and Prophet asked of You, and I seek refuge in You from the evil of Your servant that I seek refuge in.

  • Fifth prayer:

Oh God, make this exam a good test for me, Oh God, I seek refuge in You in this exam to go astray or be led astray, or slip or slip, or be ignorant or ignorant of me, O Hearer of supplication, O Lord of the worlds, O Lord of the worlds, O God, make me one of Your righteous and pious servants, O Lord of the Worlds, O Lord of the Worlds, teach me What will benefit me and benefit me with what you have taught me and increase me in knowledge and action, O Lord of the worlds.

Supplications during final exams 2021

As for the best supplications during the final exams, they are the following blessed supplications:

  • The first prayer:

Oh God, the answerer of the call of the needy, I ask you to make this exam and test easy and simple, O Lord of the worlds, God grant me calm in the answers and accuracy in them, Oh God, a great success that warms the heart, Oh God, protect me my mind and my mind, Oh God, grant me serenity of mind and growth of mind, Oh God, make me one of the successful In this test I am pleased with everything.

  • The second prayer:

Oh God, O Lord of the worlds, O answerer of the call of the needy, O Most Merciful, O Most Merciful, O Generous, O Lord of the Worlds, O gatherer of people, to a day when there is no doubt that my need will be returned to me and You are the Most Merciful of the merciful. In your mercy, I seek help, Lord, I have been touched by harm, and you are the most merciful of the merciful.

  • The third prayer:

Oh God, who commanded you between the kaf and the n, oh God, grant me the correct answer in this difficult test, and grant me payment in it, O Karim, O tenderhearted, O God, who if you want something, you say to it be, it is, may Allah ease this test for me, and make me one of the excelling and successful, oh Hanan, Manan.

  • Fourth prayer:

O God, I ask You for the strengths of Your forgiveness, Your deliverances, safety from every sin, booty from every righteousness, victory in Paradise, and deliverance from Hellfire.

Expressions of respect for the teacher

Motivational poem for success in final exams

One of the most beautiful poems that was said about motivation is Al-Mutanabbi’s poem, in which he describes the high vigor. It is a poem encouraging work and effort in order to achieve dreams. Al-Mutanabbi says: [1]

Where did you go, you swan, we grow usury, and you are the clouds?
We are the ones whose time has afflicted him in you, and the days near you have betrayed him.
For the sake of the Most High is your fight and peace, this station, and lewdness.
ََََََ إِإِإِإِإِإِ إِإََِِِِِِِِِ
كَّلَّ يَومٍ لَكَ اِحِتِمالٌ جَديدُ وَمَسيرٌ لِلمَجدِ فيهِ مُقامُ
And if the souls are old, the bodies get tired of wanting them.
And this is how the dawns appear on us, and the great seas worry
وَلَنا adَةُ الجَميلِ مِنَ الصَبـ ـرِ لَوَ أَنّا سِوي نَواكَ نُسامُ
All life as long as there is no bath, all the sun as long as there is no darkness

Motivational phrases for final exams

After the encouraging and motivational phrases for students in the final exams, we present the following pictures of motivational phrases for the final exams:

Motivational phrases pictures for final exams 1
Motivational phrases pictures for final exams 1
Motivational phrases for final exams 1
Motivational phrases for final exams 1

Here we come to the conclusion of this article in which we talked about the final exams 2021 and then put us in it Motivational phrases for final exams 2021 In addition to encouraging words, encouraging phrases on Twitter and phrases in the English language, in addition to a set of prayers for the final exams, then we put an encouraging poem and pictures of motivational phrases for the final exams.

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