ثورة الطبيعة وإشكال تصالح الحضارات

After the assassination of Osama bin Laden and the decline of the strength of the presence of Al-Qaeda, the world in general, and the Middle East region in particular, suffered the scourge and tragedy due to the emergence of ISIS. The peaceful Syrian political movement has been transformed into an armed confrontation. The birth of a new ideological project was announced, launched by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Mosul, as the leader of the Islamic State (the Caliphate State). This project was born from its inception, based on the slogan of anti-otherness, ie, the governments and peoples of the developed world in general and the West in particular, with a nature that is hostile to itself in particular and to the Arab and Islamic self in general. It was born deliberately to adopt armed confrontation and violence as a method, and to rely on the method of creating strife and division within the Arab nation and within the Qatari countries from the ocean to the Gulf.

A set of circumstances, including what is artificial and what is realistic or objective, which were ignited by the scourge of the logic of exercising power in the countries of the region, helped to succeed in the campaign to promote the dream of building the Islamic state on the basis of a just caliphate, so that we migrated to the region, under the slogan of jihad from For the victory of Islam and Muslims, all the Islamic fanatics who oppose the logic of globalization and the new masters of the world.

Many people’s emotional identities have slipped, and violent psychological impulses have resulted in them that hastened the processes of falling into the arms of extremism, exaggeration and waste of energies. Facilitated the involvement of a large number of individuals of the peoples of the region internally and externally in this organization. The borders of the countries were opened, the circulation of the outlets became widespread, and the flow of adventurers on the Syrian soil intensified. The uncalculated rush to confront globalization and its modernist culture was inflamed, and its exploitative and arrogant goals were denounced. The calls to deceive the fanatics succeeded, and this proceeded by glorifying the motives of isolation and exploiting the weakness of formation and knowledge of the historical relationship of the Arab-Islamic identity to the other.

The other has developed through recent times, and has sought to arrange relations with memory, reality and the peoples of the world with the logic of the victor. A wide base of the peoples of the Arab nation found themselves unable to keep pace with the efforts that globalization requires in order to integrate and compete in the space of their material world. Physical, military and geostrategic measures and arrangements were taken to enable this new movement to build a territorial unit (Syria and Iraq). The symbolism of the Israelites’ choice of the Promised Land, the soil of Palestine, was forcibly invoked in order to build their Jewish state project within the framework of the great Zionist settlement project. The crises of the two Arab-rooted states (Syria and Iraq) worsened, and it was promoted to turn them into a haven and an irreplaceable opportunity to announce the emergence of a fictitious caliphate.

Before that, al-Qaeda and its pioneers were relatively eliminated to annihilate the competition or conflict between them and the new movement. The events of ISIS and its leaders dominated the media, and the path culminated in raising the slogan of fighting it globally, until there was less talk in the media about both movements. The world has entered a new phase, which Western observers called the post-modern phase, with characteristics that have been described as ideological saturation, and with actions and reactions that tend more to conflict at the expense of competition in the logic of the market economy, and parity at the expense of cooperation and integration in the economic, cultural and military fields. Regional blocs were formed under the leadership of the great powers, and were subject to fluctuations and interactions of interest.

He followed the global public opinion, and today he is following with complete clarity, the renewal of the elements of the struggle for world leadership between the West and the East, especially between America and China. It is a struggle to share the world’s economic wealth on new grounds. The political tension intensified and worsened over time, to the extent that its level today can be described as reaching its peak, predicting future crises, complications, and transformations in global politics and the economy. The conflict escalated and exceeded the ideological and intellectual foundations agreed upon within the framework of neoliberalism or communism, so that the United States of America did not find any embarrassment in declaring state intervention in the economy and confronting opponents by enacting protectionist policies in the context of its trade war, and giving priority to the national interest over the regional or ideological interest under the slogan “America First” .

At the same time, political developments revealed the birth of new situations, with geostrategic stances and decisions, which are gradually moving, east and west, away from democracy from the tasks of accumulating the components of development and the well-being of peoples, so that it became clear the emergence of a kind of tendencies to political extremism in dealing with various issues and developments, extremism that contributed circumstantially. In strengthening the position of a number of right-wing political currents in Western countries.

The world is experiencing the effects of post-modernism. Following the announcement that modernity has entered the moribund phase, world public opinion has followed how philosophers and scholars enter space and nature in discussing and analyzing the current conditions, and predicting possible and possible scenarios. After succeeding in inflaming the anger of the Western peoples against the Church, and turning it into a popular obsession to confront its domination, the fat food was provided to strengthen the popular bases of capitalism, then liberalism, and modernity until the outcome of the new world order, which was announced by US President George W. Bush in the early nineties, reached a peak trend his life. All indications that this logic, with its political, economic and cultural dimensions, has reached the starting point of decline and deterioration, have emerged publicly.

After announcing the success in eliminating the al-Qaeda regime with global dimensions under the leadership of Osama bin Laden, and the ISIS ideology under the leadership of al-Baghdadi, the world today is experiencing an unprecedented economic and health crisis due to the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, which was caused by the Corona virus with its new structure, SARS Cove 2 and its modifications. lethal. This epidemic caused a great panic that included all the peoples of the world, and prompted them, despite the attempts of the pioneers of tradition to link what happens to metaphysics and myth, to think about it in a new way.

The way to deal with this deadly novelty, and the new epidemic of Corona, which achieved the largest percentage in claiming the lives of the injured, made popular discussions tend to evoke scientific considerations, considerations that can be included in the field of the beginning of the entry of the peoples of the south to the stage of scientific thinking in the horizon of building a scientific culture in Dealing with events in all its forms. In addition to the effects of quarantine on the behavior of individuals and groups (cleanliness, distancing, improving the family atmosphere for families, distance education, ….), the discussions rose and intensified their impact on individual and collective behavior through Saudi social news networks. The search for understanding by asking questions and waiting for satisfactory answers has become a daily preoccupation for all the peoples of the world. Everyone seeks to form a logical idea of ​​the evolutionary nature of this virus and how it differs from other viruses and bacteria. New trends have been sorted in the public debate in various countries of the South, sorting collars to distinguish between these organisms hostile to human life, so that it became known that this virus does not reproduce by itself, does not consume energy, does not contain any DNA, and that it is a biological agent covered with a substance Fatty and proteins, and that its prevention is linked to frequent washing of hands with soap and sterilization of everything that a person can touch.

At the same time, and the peoples of the universe and their countries are resisting the spread of this epidemic, the world is experiencing new scientific discussions related to the theory of the evolution of living races and the origin of species, including humans, and an ongoing rational debate regarding the natural selection of living organisms (selecting the best and most appropriate), the occurrence of genetic mutations and the changes that Infect the genome in general. Also, the development that distinguished paleontology, and its highlighting of new dazzling facts, made scientists recognize that the facts reached by science within the framework of the theory of the evolution of species, brought about a cosmic scientific revolution, which brought back to discussion the Darwinian theory, considering that what this world has reached can only be considered mere Pen heads compared to the size of current disclosures.

Accordingly, as a result of the political and cultural developments that the world has known, and the scientific discoveries and inventions it has reached, it is no longer palatable for the peoples of the southern world, especially the Arab and Maghreb peoples, to continue to adopt transmission and superficial reading of religious texts to undermine the strength of the minds of individuals and groups and prevent them from scientific thinking. . The time has come to acknowledge Ibn Rushd’s call for Muslims to interpret our creedal texts with a distinct rational logic, that does not stem from fear, and does not search for ways, whatever their nature, to create illusory abyss between the rational dimensions of the verses of the Holy Qur’an and the scientific facts of discoveries and inventions that are beneficial to man and to the future of his generations. .

The time has come to give the tasks of interpreting the Qur’anic texts (the words of God Almighty) an elevated institutional position, one that devote cooperation and integration, rather than deliberate disharmony, between the opinions of jurists, philosophers, space scientists, nature and languages, and subject interaction in it to a strict methodology with its tools, results and evidence. The challenges of the future necessitate overcoming the promotion of the hostile relationship between the religious and the secular, and the offensive phrases that are promoted to preserve the stagnation of cultural awareness, leaving it as it is, and considering any ijtihad outside this logic as mere embarrassing questions to destabilize the faith of Muslims.

Our Islamic peoples are in need of a qualitative leap of awareness that will make them in the midst of deep thinking about doctrinal aspects by searching for the hidden wisdom in nature (the creation of the universe for the sake of man), and for advanced evidence for the existence of God, on the horizon of achieving a strong harmony between Islam and science.

Today, the peoples of the world are experiencing the events of the continuation of the rapid development of species, including crops, plants, fruits, birds (chickens and turkeys) and fish, … and live in parallel a scientific confrontation with the evolution of the species of viruses, bacteria and various cells. Reality has refuted the fabricated ideological resistance to scientific developments. History has negated the tendency of Muslims to resist scientific discoveries, and plunged them with firm conviction into the space of acknowledgment of what science and ijtihad had reached, convinced of the need to constantly interpret religious texts to embrace human creativity.

The arrival of scientists to the acknowledgment of new facts in the field of the origin of the universe and man, the adoption of the theory of evolution, and the transcendence of the theory of the Big Bang, eliminated all the pretexts that the pioneers of tradition were fomenting to raise the level of peoples’ closure. The Muslim masses have qualified enough and are aware of the challenges of the times and the need for research and investigation in a way that enables our scholars and experts at home and abroad to find appropriate rational ideological explanations for scientific revolutions, the development of human behavior and the reactions of nature.

Liberals have turned man into the center of the universe, believing that they will succeed in “killing God” and eliminating the domination of the Church. Nature raged, and the alarm was sounded. Bets of reconciliation between nature and man as two essential components of the Kingdom of the Most Merciful have emerged to the surface of cosmic events.

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