حبوب زيادة الحيوانات الذكرية عند الرجل وأسباب قلة عددها عند الرجال

Male Enhancement Pills They are pills that increase the amount of semen in the testicles and increase the number of sperm during intercourse, which increases the chances of pregnancy and fertilization of the egg, and many men who have difficulty in having children are the main reason for this situation is the low number or weakness of sperm, and from Then its inability to penetrate the egg into the female’s womb and fertilize it. On the reference site, we learn about the best pills to increase sperm in men, the reasons for their scarcity, and natural ways to increase their number.

Male Enhancement Pills

It is important to emphasize that male enhancement pills are not taken except under direct medical supervision, and the doctor usually prescribes these medications to a man whose sperm count is less than 15 million sperm in every 1 milliliter of semen, and there are many types of these Grains, the most popular of which are:

proviron pills

They are pills that are given to a patient who suffers from a lack of testosterone, which is the first male hormone in men, which helps to activate the testicles and increase their ability to produce sperm. The amount of the hormone in the body and stimulate the body to respond to it more effectively.

selenium ACE tablets

These pills are very safe and rarely have side effects, as they are a type of nutritional supplement that helps in strengthening the body and stimulating blood circulation in general, and these pills contain a number of important vitamins such as vitamins A, E and C. They are vitamins that help in stimulating the secretion of male hormone in the body, as well as activating the testicles, strengthening the sperm and increasing their number.

clomid pills

It is an effective pill and has a clear effect in increasing the male animals in the man, and it also helps in strengthening these animals and increasing their ability to reach the egg and fertilize it and complete the pregnancy process. These pills can also be taken by a woman under the supervision of a doctor in order to activate the woman’s ovaries and increase the chances of pregnancy and prevent its delay.

Pergonal pills

It is a pill that is prescribed for men who suffer from problems in the testicles in terms of their lack of activity in the production of sperm or the weakness of the sperm that come out of them. The pills contain luteinizing hormone, a hormone that helps increase the male hormone in the body.


There are a number of antibiotics that are given to men and work to treat infections in the reproductive system, as the delay in childbearing in many cases is due to a bacterial infection in the sperm stream, which prevents these animals from reaching the uterus and completing pregnancy despite their abundance and large number.

Sperm-increasing drugs

When should men take pills to increase sperm count?

Taking pills to increase male animals in men is carried out according to a number of controls, which we learn about as follows:

  • Medicines and pills are used only under the direct medical supervision of the attending physician.
  • These pills are prescribed to men whose sperm count is below the normal range, which is between 15 million and 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen.
  • The use of these pills is also prescribed in the case of weak sperm, despite their large number, but they suffer from weakness and lack of activity in movement, and then are unable to reach the egg and fertilize it.

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Causes of low sperm count in men

There are a number of reasons and factors that lead to low sperm count in men, the most important of which are the following:[1]

  • Infection with some sexual diseases that affect the genital areas and thus impair the production and activity of sperm, such as syphilis, gonorrhea and AIDS.
  • Varicocele is one of the causes of low sperm count in men due to obstruction of the male sperm duct in the testicle with poor blood circulation in them, which reduces the activity of the testicle in the production of sperm.
  • The man has reverse ejaculation, and then the sperms are ejaculated into the man’s bladder instead of being expelled into the woman’s uterus.
  • Incidence of genetic problems and a disorder in the genetic strand in men.
  • Lack of testosterone, which is the male hormone primarily responsible for the production and activation of sperm in men’s bodies.
  • Obstruction of the semen ducts in men, which leads to the retention of sperms and their inability to exit despite their large number and abundance.
  • Ejaculation weakness and weakness of the muscles in the pelvis in the man, which helps to push the sperm forcefully and deliver it to the uterus, and this often occurs due to age.
  • Prostate cancer or prostate enlargement and problems are also causes of low sperm count.
  • Diabetes, which affects the nerves in the man’s body, affects the spinal cord, and then affects the number of sperm in the body.

What is the impact of low semen on male fertility?

Semen is the thick white fluid that comes out of a man when he ejaculates during intercourse, and this fluid is what carries sperm inside, and there is often no relationship between an increase in the number of semen and a lack of sperm, meaning that many men ejaculate a small number of fluid Sperm, but at the same time they have high fertility and a large number of male sperm, while there are many people who have large and normal semen, despite that they have poor fertility and low sperm count.

Does semen volume affect sexual pleasure?

Decreased or increased amount of semen has nothing to do with sexual pleasure and pleasure during intercourse; As the semen is ejaculated at the end of the sexual process and is accompanied by contractions in the man who feels full pleasure with it, but sometimes it causes the semen not to come out in its normal quantities for an emergency reason such as blockage of the sperm ducts or an enlarged prostate, which may reduce sexual pleasure at the end intercourse.

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Ways to improve sperm quality

There are a number of ways in which it is possible to improve and strengthen sperm in men, the most important of which are the following:

proper nutrition

Nutrition has a significant impact on improving and strengthening sperm, as foods rich in omega-3 fats greatly help in strengthening sperm and increasing their number, on top of these foods are nuts, almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, and fish and seafood such as tuna, shrimp and mackerel also help in improving sperm count. Improving the strength and quality of sperm. Spinach, bananas, and avocados are also suitable foods for this condition.

Playing sports

Exercising is one of the most important tips and methods that help in activating and improving sperm in men, as exercise helps in stimulating blood circulation in the body, and then the arrival of large quantities of blood loaded with oxygen and food to the cells of the body and reproductive organs and increase their ability to produce sperm. Exercising helps the body release antioxidants, which reduces damage to the cells responsible for producing semen in the body.

Get enough sleep

The body getting enough sleep and rest during the day helps to improve and increase the sperm of the man. The amount of male hormone in the body and then reduces fertility in men.

Can I increase semen volume at home?

There are a number of tips that can increase the number of sperm at home, including the following:[2]

  • Stay away from stress, tension and psychological anxiety.
  • Stop taking some types of medications that have side effects in reducing the amount of sperm, so a person suffering from this condition should consult a doctor before taking any type of medication.
  • Commitment to taking male enhancement pills for men as determined by the doctor and adhere to the dates of taking them on a daily basis.
  • Eat foods rich in natural fibers, vitamins and minerals, such as fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods that are suitable for the body.

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Tips to increase sperm

Before starting the treatment, the doctor performs an analysis of the man’s semen, and then determines the quality of the pills and the method of treatment. There are a number of tips that help increase the number of sperm and improve the results of the analysis. We learn about them as follows:

  • Completely stop consuming alcohol and alcoholic beverages, which cause a number of negative changes in the human body.
  • Refrain from smoking because it contains nicotine and tar, which poison the body and affect sperm.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight and getting rid of obesity and accumulated fat in the body, which is one of the reasons for weak sperm activity.
  • Take various nutritional supplements and vitamins that contain important nutrients that the body needs and cannot obtain from food naturally.
  • Stay away from a hot bath or be in areas that are very hot, as excessive heat kills sperm and weakens semen.
  • Wearing wide underwear and avoiding tight clothes that affect the activity of blood circulation in the genital areas and affect the movement of male sperm.

Sperm activation

Wrong habits that affect the sperm of men

As mentioned above, the normal number of sperm in men ranges between 15 and 200 million sperm in every milliliter of semen, and there are a number of reasons that affect the number of these sperms and thus affect a man’s fertility, and the most important of these reasons are the following: :

  • Fast food: Fast food or junk food, which is bought from restaurants, contains large amounts of fat and grease, as well as large amounts of sodium and salt, which affects the number of sperm in the body, or at least affects their activity and vitality and weakens their ability to fertilize an egg.
  • sauna: Sauna baths are one of the habits that many athletes and ordinary people are often keen on, and despite the benefits of the sauna in opening the pores and revitalizing the body, the high temperature in the sauna room is one of the factors that lead to the killing of sperms in the testicles, and then their low number and weakness. fertility.
  • plastic pots: Placing foods, especially hot foods, in plastic containers leads to the transfer of chemical compounds to food, such as bisphenols, which are toxic compounds that damage cells and affect the activity and number of sperm in men. the food.

Herbal treatment of male animal deficiency in men

There are many natural herbs and plants that help increase the number of sperm in men, and they are methods that do not have side effects that may cause concern for the patient, and the best of these herbs are:[3]

the Garlic

Garlic is a natural antibiotic that has many benefits for the body. Garlic contains sulfur, which helps in stimulating blood circulation in the body, and then helps in strengthening erections and improving performance in a man’s sexual relationship. Also, garlic, thanks to its ability to kill bacteria and fungi, helps in Treatment of infections that may affect the reproductive system and then reduce fertility and the number of sperm or prevent their access to the uterus and fertilization of the egg.

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It is one of the natural herbs that help improve the quality of sperm and increase its activity. And anise contains a number of natural oils that help prevent free radicals from growing in cells due to the antioxidants in the plant. Anise also helps in calming nerves and reducing stress and psychological anxiety, which helps increase the production of semen in the testicles.


Flaxseeds contain a high percentage of flaxseed oil, which is one of the natural materials rich in omega-3 fats necessary to stimulate sperm and increase their number, and flax seeds contain zinc, which increases the body’s ability to secrete the male hormone and thus increase the number of sperm and improve Fertility and chances of conception.

goat weed

Goat weed is mainly used to strengthen the erection and increase the blood supply to the penis in men. Goat weed is eaten by boiling a few of it in a cup of water and then covering it so that the beneficial oils do not volatilize from it, and then sweeten it with honey and drink it.

We identified the Male Enhancement Pills, We also learned about the causes of low sperm in men, ways to increase it and how to improve its quality and activity so that it can fertilize an egg and cause pregnancy. We also learned about the relationship between semen and fertility in men, and the effect of lack of semen or sperm on sexual pleasure.

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