استمارة ترشيح معهد الإدارة 1443 – 2022 للموظفين

prepare a form Nomination of the Institute of Management 1443 – 2022 for employees One of the most important matters to be submitted by the employee when joining one of the training courses at the Institute of Public Administration in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where employees are nominated by the employers in which they work, with the aim of preparing national competencies in the relevant fields related to the needs of government agencies and the labor market, and from Here the reference site is keen to talk about everything related to the Institute of Management nomination form 1443 – 2022 for employees, and all other important relevant information.

Institute of Public Administration

The Institute of Public Administration is an independent governmental body with a legal personality that was established by Royal Decree No. (93) dated 10/24/1380 AH corresponding to 10/04/61AD, with the aim of raising the efficiency of state employees and setting the appropriate scientific preparation to contribute to raising the level of management and support the rules of economic development. the National. The institute also specializes in contributing to the administrative organization of government administration and giving advice on administrative problems presented to it by ministries and government agencies, as well as research related to administration affairs and documenting cultural ties in the field of public administration. The Institute aims to contribute to achieving administrative development and facing existing and future administrative challenges, in order to serve the comprehensive development issues in the Kingdom, by achieving the following objectives:[1]

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