ما هي بوابة ترشح المتعاونين في تعداد السعودية 2022

What is the portal for nominating collaborators in the Saudi census 2022In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the General Authority for Statistics is working on the completion of a number of plans and projects to make the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia one of the leading countries in the world. The General Authority for Statistics launched an electronic portal for registration in the Saudi Census 2022, which came within the procedures of the General Authority for Statistics for the purpose of preparing Population census, these works and projects are based on the Kingdom’s vision 2030 to assist the concerned authorities in taking appropriate steps and decisions aimed at developing the Kingdom and pushing it forward. Through the reference website, we will learn about the Saudi census 2022, and we will also learn about the portal for nominating collaborators and the registration mechanism for it.

Saudi census 2022

The General Authority for Statistics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has worked on preparing a set of procedures for the purpose of the population census in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia since 2017, as plans were prepared to start in 2020, but the Corona pandemic was a reason for delaying the process. However, the General Authority for Statistics On 23/11/2021, it launched a portal for registration in the cooperators for the census of the population of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the year 2022, which coincides with the preparations for the census project.

note: This new census is the fifth census in the history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia after the census that was conducted in 1974, in 1992, in 2004, and in 2010, where the population of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the last census was 27,136,977 people, and in the following plan “Saudi Census 2022” will be conducted The census is in the second quarter of 2022, based on the decision of the Council of Ministers that approved it.

How to register in the 2022 census

What is the portal for nominating collaborators in the Saudi census 2022

that A portal to nominate collaborators for the Saudi census. Which came in line with the Kingdom’s vision 2030, where the General Authority for Statistics launched a nomination portal, which is concerned with the census of the population in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is useful in controlling development tools and building future development plans based on accurate and modern information.

Portal to nominate collaborators in the Saudi census 2022

The General Authority for Statistics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has provided the opportunity for those wishing to cooperate with in order to complete all the work related to the census of the population in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the year 2022, by registering through an electronic portal designed specifically for this West, which we will review the way of registration and the most important Conditions for entering the collaborator nomination portal:

  • Head to the online portal “From Here”.
  • The age of the candidate should not be less than 20 years.
  • The scientific qualification of the candidate should not be from the secondary certificate.
  • The candidate should be proficient in dealing with computers and smart devices.
  • The candidate should have a specific work reference in the governmental or private sector.

note: The General Authority for Statistics will issue a list of the names of those accepted to participate in the statistics after the applicants attend the training courses and then pass all the assessments set by the authority.

What is the population of Saudi Arabia 2021

Saudi census goals 2022

The population census is an important source of information that contains social and economic data for all countries. The population census is an important part in the decision-making process and in reorienting future development projects in countries. The Saudi Census 2020 aims to prepare complete and comprehensive statistics for the population and the nature of their demographic distribution. Throughout the Kingdom, the results of the census are then published so that it is available to all public bodies and authorities that are interested in establishing development projects in line with the Saudi Vision 2030, while preserving the privacy of population data. For the New Year 2020:

  • Preparing urban plans: This includes preparing and developing plans for all housing associations, in addition to studying plans for all governorates and cities.
  • Budget preparation: Distribution of budgets based on administrative regions according to needs.
  • Policy development: Using data related to the job status to work on preparing renewable policies, whether at work or training.
  • Housing and investment developmentThrough the use of housing data, the development of housing schemes and investment projects.
  • Develop public services and development plansSuch as developing health services, educational and social services, and road and transportation services.

What is the area of ​​Saudi Arabia and the population of Saudi Arabia?

Standards of the population census in Saudi Arabia 2022

The General Authority for Statistics in Saudi Arabia has worked on a set of principles and guidelines that will issue the results of the population census in Saudi Arabia, which came based on a set of criteria represented in the following:

  • Focus on data quality and efficiency: Through the use of the latest and most powerful techniques of available data quality, through which it is possible to conduct an accurate and highly efficient census.
  • Emphasis on data privacy: The 2022 Saudi Census is committed to maintaining the privacy of individuals’ data completely, with pledges by the Commission not to share this data with any third party that threatens the privacy of individuals, with the aim of gaining the trust of the community and collecting all correct and comprehensive information and data for individuals.
  • Providing sustainable data: Saudi Arabia 2022 census data forms the basis for national census data records.
  • Adoption of international standards for the census: The approved international principles for the population census in Saudi Arabia 2022 contain the need to focus on collecting detailed and accurate data at the individual level, with the possibility of adding the inclusion of all individuals residing within the territory of Saudi Arabia who are included in the census, with reliance on one specific reference date for the census.

How many regions are there in Saudi Arabia?

What are the stages of the Saudi census 2022

The General Authority for Statistics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has announced that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will conduct the new census 2022 based on two main phases:

The first stage is the preparation stage for the census

The first stage of preparation for the census includes four main stages, which are as follows:

  • Preparing the General Population and Housing Census form for the year 2022, which includes a set of questions that will be placed in the form.
  • Developing the tools used in the census of the Kingdom’s population for the year 2022, such as the website that will help in filling out the self-census form in an electronic way.
  • Experimental counting, which aims to test the effectiveness of the methods adopted in counting.
  • Update addresses in order to ensure comprehensive coverage of all residents and housing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The second stage is the stage of implementing the Saudi census 2022

The second stage of the implementation of the Saudi census 2022 includes four basic stages, which are as follows:

  • Collect data from all families and individuals by using the census form.
  • Processing of data in order to derive information that is useful in relation to the distribution of the population of the Kingdom.
  • Publication of the final data on statistics showing the population of the Kingdom 2022.
  • Sharing results with decision-makers in order to clarify roles and define responsibilities in order to contribute to achieving the required growth.

Information to be collected in the Saudi Census 2022

The General Authority for Statistics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia worked on filling out the questionnaire form for the population census in Saudi Arabia for the year 2022. This came after an in-depth study of the best options and models available in the Group of Twenty countries and in the member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which contain information to be collected using the questionnaire forms. containing the following information:

Population-related demographic data

The data on the associated demographics in the population contains the following:

  • Knowing the data of the date of birth, place of residence and nationality, languages ​​and gender, and the relationship to the head of the family.
  • Education-related data such as reading, writing and educational attainment.
  • Data related to the transfer such as the country of birth, the country of birth of the parents and residence abroad.
  • Employment data related to the job, the value of the monthly income, the most important economic activity and the location of the work.
  • Health status data related to chronic health conditions.
  • Birth and death data.

Housing related demographic data

Housing-related demographic data includes:

  • The nature and type of the housing unit, determining the type of ownership, number of rooms, and building materials.
  • electric current source.
  • The main water source.
  • Internet access.

Precautionary Measures Taken for COVID-19 During the Saudi Census 2022

The General Authority for Statistics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia worked to define a set of safety standards and a number of precautionary safety measures aimed at confronting the Corona virus, which all crews will work to adhere to while carrying out survey and population census procedures, and among these preventive measures are the following:

  • Preparing a group of survey and statistics teams in order to conduct remote census operations.
  • Commitment of all members of the teams working in the statistics to all precautionary measures such as the use of sanitary masks, and the commitment to social distancing.
  • All members of the census teams receive the coronavirus vaccine.
  • The possibility of filling out the Saudi Census 2022 questionnaire for the population of the Kingdom electronically.

Self-enumeration in the Saudi census 2022

The General Authority for Statistics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia worked on the possibility of self-enumeration, which is one of the advanced technological means that are used to complete the population census in Saudi Arabia for the year 2022. The self-enumeration aims to fill out the questionnaire in an electronic form, which obviates the visit of the field researcher to the place of the family, which It includes a set of steps to participate in the self-counting for the new year 2022:[1]

  • Notifying the field researcher, by visiting him, of the initial stage, which is the “building inventory stage” by defining the method of self-enumeration in order to participate in the census of the Kingdom’s population 2022.
  • Go to the census portal and then choose the icon for self-enumeration, after which an official decision will be issued to start the census, from the following website: “from here”.
  • Create an account in the electronic self-enumeration window or log in if there is a previous account.
  • Fill in all the family data by the head of the family.
  • The family can contact the call center free of charge and then adjust the quality of the census through the phone number 920020081 in order to inquire about any information related to the questions of the form.

note: Carrying out the self-enumeration participation requires working to provide the family’s motivation and desire, in addition to the presence of technical devices that guarantee access to the Internet, as it is necessary in order to carry out the previous steps, and the head of the family must have an effective electronic services account on the “Absher” platform.

Saudi population census before 2021

The General Authority for Statistics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has worked on implementing the first statistical process in order to know all the statistics of the comprehensive population census, and it has continued to carry out the population census on an ongoing basis based on a specific time sequence. It is worth noting that there is an increasing growth in the population of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is The Kingdom’s Vision 2030, this numerical increase in recent years can be identified as follows:

  • Population 2017: 33,101,179 people.
  • Population 2018: 33,702,756 people.
  • Population 2019: 34,268,528 people.
  • Population 2020: 34,949,691 people
  • Population 2021: 35,013,414 people.

Projected population after 2021

There are expectations by the Statistics Committee that the numbers that the population will reach in recent years depend largely on the growth rates in previous years. Below we will review the population projections in Saudi Arabia during the coming years:

  • 2025: The population is expected to reach 37,248,919 people.
  • 2030: The population is expected to reach 39,322,338 people.
  • 2035: The population is expected to reach 41,073,374 people.

Here we have come to the end of the article after we got to know a census in Saudi Arabia, and we got to know What is the portal for nominating collaborators in the Saudi census 2022Then, let’s get acquainted with the objectives of the population census in Saudi Arabia, what are the census standards taken in Saudi Arabia, and know the stages of the Saudi census, in addition to the information that will be collected in the Saudi census 2022, in addition to knowing the precautionary measures taken to combat Covid-19 during the Saudi census, with Clarifying the mechanism of self-enumeration of the Saudi census, and we learned about the population of Saudi Arabia before 2021, and what is the expected population after the year 2021.

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