الغاز صعبة جدا جدا جدا للاذكياء فقط وحلها 2022

Gas is very, very difficult for smart people only and its solution is 2022 They are puzzles that require a lot of accuracy, thinking and focus until a person reaches the correct solution to them, and for this they are intended for intelligent people who are able to solve them with their intelligence and good thinking. Very difficult with the solution as we will put a group of difficult, easy and fun puzzles with their solutions as well.

Gas is very, very difficult for smart people only

Among the most difficult puzzles that require highly intelligent people to answer are the following distinctive puzzles:

  • Puzzle: It cannot be seen, heard, or touched, though it is everywhere and does no harm. What is it?
    Answer: air.
  • Puzzle: If there are twenty parrots on the fence and the farmer shoots a fifth of them, how many are left?
    Answer: Nobody. The rest of the parrots flew away when they heard gunfire.
  • Puzzle: If you want to know me; You will find me once in a century, and twice in a minute, and you will not see me in a day or an hour, so who am I?
    Answer: Qaf letter.
  • Puzzle: The man builds a house on all four sides facing south. A bear passes by the house. What color is the bear?
    Answer: White: The house is built directly on the North Pole.
  • Puzzle: Two people played five times chess. They both won the same number of matches and there was no tie. How is this possible?
    Answer: This is only possible if they play with other people.
  • Puzzle: What is the thing that if you laugh in front of him he laughs and if you cry he cries?
    Answer: woman.
  • Puzzle: A box without hinges, key or lid, but hidden golden treasure inside. What is that?
    Answer: eggs
  • Puzzle: What has a face, hands, arms, or legs?
    Answer: hour.

10 tricky puzzles with a solution written for smart people only 2022

Difficult riddles with answers

After the gas is very, very difficult for the intelligent, we just put the following more difficult puzzles with the answers:

  • Puzzle: He roams every area of ​​the house, with his lady always dancing. Yet he’s always working, and he’s never in love with romance.
    Answer: broom
  • Puzzle: Jaber walked for thirty minutes in the pouring rain without a single hair on his head getting wet. He had no hat or umbrella and his coat was without a hood. How did he do this?
    Answer: bald
  • Puzzle: What is yours and other people use?
    Answer: The name.
  • Puzzle: What is the house where no doors, no windows?
    Answer: hair house
  • Puzzle: Something that is present 3 times at night and only once during the day, so what is it?
    Answer: Lam letter.
  • Puzzle: The bag and pen cost $1.10. The bag costs $1 more than the pen. How much does a pen cost?
    Answer: The cost of the pen is 0.5. Not 0.1 dollars.
  • Puzzle: In which month do people sleep the least?
    Answer: People sleep less in February because it is the shortest month of the year.
  • Puzzle: My life can be measured in hours, I serve you until I die. I’m thin, I’m fast. I’m fat, I’m slow. The wind is my biggest enemy.

10 hard puzzles for smart people with solution

Among the 10 most difficult puzzles for smart people with solutions are the following:

  • Puzzle: What is broken before it is used?
    Answer: eggs.
  • Puzzle: One rabbit saw 6 elephants while heading towards the river. Each elephant saw two monkeys heading towards the river. Each monkey holds one fly in its hands. How many animals go to the river?
    Answer: 5
  • Puzzle: Something with four wheels and a lot of flies?
    Answer: garbage truck.
  • Puzzle: The widest thing in his mouth, and his son in his stomach, kicking and punching him, and his screaming rose, and he found no one to have mercy on him?
    Answer: the bell.
  • Puzzle: A barrel of water weighs 60 lbs. What do you have to do in it until it weighs 40 pounds?
    Answer: the hole
  • Puzzle: What has a lot of keys but can’t open a single lock, no matter how small?
    Answer: the piano.
  • Puzzle: What gives you the ability to look through a wall?
    Answer: is the window.
  • Puzzle: Mr. Blue lives in the Blue House, Mr. Pink lives in the Pink House, Mr. Brown lives in the Brown House, who lives in the White House?
    Answer: President of the United States of America
  • Puzzle: What word in English uses all five vowels plus Y in alphabetical order, and uses each only once?
    the answer: Facetiously
  • Puzzle: How many squares are in a 5cm by 5cm square lattice? Note that the grid consists of squares that are one centimeter by one centimeter.
    Answer: There is a total of 25 + 16 + 9 + 4 + 1 = 55 squares.

Difficult poetic puzzles with the solution for the smart only

The riddles may be formulated in a poetic way in expressive poetic verses. Among these difficult poetic riddles with the solution for the intelligent only are the following:

  • Puzzle: What do these poetic verses mean:
    I beg you for something that comes twice a minute
    And the whole year has not passed, but in the century, remember it
    You see one of what we mentioned, do not think of it as two
    From the width of twenty and eight people of knowledge came out
    Answer: qāf letter
  • Puzzle: What do these poetic verses mean:
    Two of them came after the era of Prophet Noah
    The ships set out in the sea, weave them
    Well, the sea is ninety, and everyone will swim
    We are dating to fall to get it
    One gained a soul and one lost a soul
    I swear to God with the word of God
    Answer: Prophet of God Moses, peace be upon him
  • Puzzle: What do these poetic verses mean:
    What girl drank it from her father’s womb, and even her father drank it from her head
    The atmosphere of a group besieged and held her, and guarded her with her progress and her reversals
    And on the day they gained from her earnings, they imprisoned her and her father, and folded her guards
    Answer: What is meant is a feather pen.
  • Puzzle: What do these poetic verses mean:
    O poet who sings poems, Jack, the news is from me, and my thoughts are based
    We beseech you for my uncle’s stick to not speak; he reveals the veil of his virginity to the one who drags him
    Return to revealing the truth. A teacher who teaches him makes one person happy and another hurts him
    Bring the news and send your answer circulated in four houses from the villages you are pleased with
    Answer: The oil gauge in the engine.
  • Puzzle: What do these poetic verses mean:
    I am asking you about a girl who will come over a boy
    From above her father is riding a flag and almost
    Lightweight, no effort
    With two, you take it, Zain Al-Hammad
    Answer: milk foam
  • Puzzle: What do these poetic verses mean:
    The fortune-teller sang about several girls riding on top of their father all
    Daughters and above their fathers are good riders for adults and infants
    Answer: Rosary.
  • Puzzle: What do these poetic verses mean:
    And a judge who has judged the people with justice, he has a hand and he has no fencing
    I saw people have accepted his judgement, and he has no palm and no tongue
    Answer: Balance

Fun puzzles with the solution

Among the most interesting and beautiful puzzles with their solutions are the following fun and elegant puzzles:

  • Puzzle: At night they come alone without anyone present, and the next day they disappear without being robbed. What are they?
    Answer: stars
  • Puzzle: A man drives his car and sees three doors: a diamond door, a ruby ​​door, and an emerald door. Which door should open first?
    Answer: car door
  • Puzzle: I have so many faces, expressions, and feelings, and you are only a click away from me. So what am I?
    Answer: emoji list
  • Puzzle: A person was 4 years old, and he has a sister who is half his age, so if this person reaches 60 years old, how old is his sister?
    Answer: The sister is two years younger than her brother, therefore; When he turns 50, his sister will be 48 years old.
  • Puzzle: A thing has leaves but it is not a plant, it has skin but it is not an animal, it has knowledge and it is not a human being, so what is it?
    the book.
  • Puzzle: What is impossible to cool down when put in the refrigerator?
    Chili pepper.
  • Puzzle: I am something with which I can carry weights beyond tens of men, and at the same time I cannot carry a nail, do you know me?
  • Puzzle: I am a thing that is able to speak though I have no tongue, and I am able to listen, and I have no ear either, so who am I?
    the phone.

Difficult puzzle with solution

After the difficult puzzles for the intelligent and the fun puzzles, we present the following difficult puzzle with its solution:

  • Puzzle: If a girl has as many brothers as the number of sisters, but each brother has half the number of brothers, how many brothers and sisters are in this family?
    Answer: The number of sisters is 4 sisters and 3 brothers.

Gas is difficult and its solutions are old

Gas and Fawazeer are very difficult with their answers

After what was mentioned about the gas, it is very, very difficult for the intelligent only. One of the most famous and very difficult riddles with their answers are the following riddles and riddles:

  • Puzzle: How many times a day is the clock in a straight line but in the opposite direction?
    Answer: 22
  • Puzzle: Two children were born on the same day from the same mother, but they are not twins, how is that possible?
    Answer: They were triplets!
  • Puzzle: Khaled walked for thirty minutes in the pouring rain without a single hair on his head getting wet. He had no hat or umbrella and his coat was without a hood. How did he do this?
    Answer: bald
  • Puzzle: Something that always comes up especially at night, is new and gets old little by little?
    Answer: The beginning of the new year.
  • Puzzle: What can you keep for life without touching or guarding it with your hands?
    Answer: It is a covenant or a promise.
  • Puzzle: There is something in the center of Paris, so what is it?
    Answer: The letter R.
  • Puzzle: Who is your cousin’s only uncle?
    Answer: والدك.
  • Puzzle: I beg you on the authority of a man who took two of the whites, lying between them and each of them seeing him, neither he took them as an innovation nor did he take them on religion, and al-Kaf is to clarify his first letters. And I think he is a lover, and Zain explained it to you, and the clever of you will go around it?
    Answer: carbon paper.
  • Puzzle: What is the word that all the inhabitants of the earth utter with the same pronunciation despite the different languages ​​and dialects?
    Answer: is the word hello or hello.

Old Arabic gas is difficult for the intelligent with the solution

The ancient Arabic puzzles are known to be difficult and require a lot of focus and thinking to reach the correct solution Difficult old Arabic gas for smart people with the solution:

  • Puzzle: What has an eye but cannot see?
    Answer: needle
  • Puzzle: What has legs but does not walk?
    Answer: Table.
  • Puzzle: What is the meaning of Ahn Alffufsh?
    Answer: Wool that fluffs by hand.
  • Puzzle: Surah in the Holy Qur’an all its verses end with the letter D, so what is it?
    Answer: Surah Al-Ikhlas, Say: He is God, the One.
  • Puzzle: What can travel around the world, but stays in a corner all the time?
    Answer: Postal stamp
  • Puzzle: An old man dies on his twentieth birthday, how is that possible?
    Answer: He was born on February 29.
  • Puzzle: How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?
    Answer: Only one egg, because the eggs you will eat after the first egg will not be on an empty stomach.
    Answer: What is the word that all the inhabitants of the earth utter with the same pronunciation despite the different languages ​​and dialects?
    Answer: is the word hello or hello.
  • Puzzle: What is the word that all the inhabitants of the earth utter with the same pronunciation despite the different languages ​​and dialects?
    Answer: is the word hello or hello.

Difficult puzzle with solution 2022

Old popular riddles with their answers

To complement what came of the puzzles, very, very, very difficult for the clever only. Here we put a group of old popular puzzles with their answers:

  • Puzzle: Oh, what is my excuse for being gentle, for it is a secret matter, my excuse for one generation after another, and it was received in heavenly books?
    Answer: The will of the dead.
  • Puzzle: I ask you about men without details, who vaccinate what he touches in impurity, forbidden but resolved after sacrifices, known from the time of the Prophet and the Companions?
    Answer: Friendliness.
  • Puzzle: I implore you about a girl who was afraid of the cause, and if her deed does not reveal itself, it will not heal.
    Answer: tooth decay.
  • Puzzle: What goes around the house, but never moves?
    Answer: the wall
  • Puzzle: I follow you all the time and copy your every move, but you can’t touch me or catch me. what am I?
    Answer: your shadow.
  • Puzzle: What building has the most floors?
    Answer: the library
  • Puzzle: I’m a precious little thing, I dance and eat all the time. Watch me from afar, so that you may feel my warm and gentle love, but don’t come near me or it may be my next meal!
    Answer: fire.
  • Puzzle: A man drove all the way from Shimla to Delhi only to discover at the end of the trip that he had a punctured tire The solution: right from the start. However, his car was not affected by it at all? How is this possible?
    Answer: A flat tire should be a spare tire.
  • Puzzle: Hana multiplied 414 by a certain number and got 69,958 as the answer. But she finds that there is something wrong with the answer – both the number 9 in the answer are wrong and all the other numbers are correct. Can you find the correct answer?
    Answer: 60858.

Gas is smarter with pictures and its solutions 2022

With these puzzles, we come to the conclusion of this article, in which we put a group of Gas is very, very difficult for smart people only We also put in it a group of fun riddles and difficult riddles for the intelligent with a group of poetic riddles and ancient folk riddles with their solutions as well.

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