عقوبة الضرب في القانون السعودي

Punishment for beatings in Saudi law. Undoubtedly, this topic is one of the most important and best topics that I can talk about today, as it is an interesting topic that deals with vital points that pertain to every individual in society, and I hope that God Almighty will help me in presenting all points and elements that relate to this topic.

Punishment for beating in Saudi law, the person is protected from all harm, and may not be attacked in any way, and any act of assault constitutes a crime punishable by law, and in the Saudi system, penalties are arranged for such acts, and the daily exclusive website devoted this article to clarifying the nature of the offense of assault By beating, and to clarify the penalty for beating in Saudi law, the penalty for hitting in the face, the penalty for beating with the hand, and the penalty for physical beating. assault in Saudi Arabia.


  • 1 assault crime
  • 2 Punishment for beating in Saudi law
  • 3 Punishment for hitting in the face in Saudi law
  • 4 Punishment for hitting by hand in Saudi law
  • 5 Punishment for physical assault in Saudi Arabia
  • 6 Penalty for simple beatings in Saudi Arabia
  • 7 Punishment for a fight in Saudi Arabia
  • 8 Punishment for assaulting a person in Saudi Arabia
  • 9 Punishment for wife beating in Saudi law
  • 10 Medical report on cases of beatings in Saudi Arabia

assault crime

The definition of assault may vary by jurisdiction, but the offense of assault can be defined as: “generally as intentionally placing another person in reasonable fear of imminent malicious or abusive contact”, and in the context of the offense of assault, generally speaking. “Arrest” an offender if the victim believes his or her behavior will lead to imminent harmful or abusive communication unless prevented. Punishment refers to an act that causes imminent physical harm to the victim, while beating refers to the actual act of inflicting physical harm.[1]

Spanking can also sometimes be defined as “any intentional act that causes another person to fear physical harm.” It is clear from this definition that putting another person in a state of fear of imminent physical harm is in itself an act deserving of punishment, even if the victim was not physically assaulted. This definition also allows police officers to step in and arrest without waiting for the offender to actually hit the victim.[2]

Punishment for beating in Saudi law

The Saudi regime has arranged a punishment for anyone who commits such acts, based on the criterion of their seriousness. The prison sentence may be up to 5 years, or 10 years in some cases, or a fine of up to 50,000 riyals.

Beating is defined as: “Any act of bias by direct or indirect pressure on a tissue of the body without causing an injury.” Hitting is also known as: “The use of a hand or any other object by force, usually quick and deliberate, so as to touch a person or thing, and harm it.”[3]Beating is one of the actions that harm a person, regardless of the tool used, or the bodily part on which the beating occurred.

Punishment for verbal threat in Saudi law

Punishment for hitting in the face in Saudi law

At first glance, some might think that hitting the face; That is, slapping in the face is a simple and harmless act, but these acts are considered an existing crime punishable by the legislation of most countries, as is the case with the Saudi regime, and therefore the crime of hitting in the face is a type. The crime of physical assault, in which it is not required to specify who the person was assaulted, regardless of whether it is the wife, son or sister. The crime of beating is the same, and regardless of who was attacked, this act identifies a specific person, and it is worth noting that the Saudi system has set a special penalty for wife beating.

This type of act is punishable according to Article 13 of the Executive Regulations of the Protection from Abuse System with a fine not exceeding 50,000 Saudi riyals. Based on the foregoing, the estimation of the fine is left to the subject judge, who has broad power to determine the amount of the fine, subject to compliance with the maximum estimated limit of fifty. A thousand riyals, according to the topic and its seriousness.

Punishment for hitting by hand in Saudi law

As well as the punishment of hitting by hand. The Saudi system also established a penalty assigned to him, as Article 9 of the Saudi system considered the act of beating by hand a real and necessary reason for arrest, and therefore the prescribed penalty is imprisonment, and the text of the previous article. As follows: “Deliberate assault on less than the soul if it results in the death of a member or the disruption of a benefit or part of it, or injury, the recovery period from it exceeds fifteen days, unless the owner of the victim’s private right waives.”

It is implicitly deduced from the foregoing that the act of beating with the hand is applied to the same punishment, because whatever the actions are multiple, the result is the same, so it requires arrest or reconciliation with the victim, and compared to beating with a stick or. Anything sharp, hitting by hand would not be considered such last action; Because beating with the hand is a minor misdemeanor that does not amount to a felony, such as hitting the victim with a sharp object that leads to permanent disability or death. General.

Thus, a severe and corporal punishment is imposed on the offender, up to a prison sentence of up to ten years, and a fine of up to one million Saudi riyals may be imposed. The offender was punished with flogging.

How long is the general prison sentence for theft?

Punishment for physical assault in Saudi Arabia

The offense of physically assaulting a person is a fairly serious crime, and constitutes a form of intentional harm. God Almighty has forbidden aggression against people and their money. The human body is immune from any assault on it, and therefore harming and harming it is considered bodily harm; such as physical abuse or moral harm; such as verbal aggression on people, and even deters them from committing such crimes.

The regime in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has allocated deterrent and severe penalties, up to imprisonment. It should be noted that these penalties may reach ten years imprisonment. The judge in the case is also allowed to impose additional deterrent penalties. like skin.

Penalty for simple beatings in Saudi Arabia

There are many verbal quarrels that occur between people, and these disagreements sometimes reach beatings, and this often happens between people, and people may think that such actions are just ordinary actions that do not amount to a description of crime, but because of holiness. The human body is protected from all harm. Even actions that constitute minor assaults that do not result in bodily harm constitute a crime, but a minor crime is not a felony in most cases. of crimes that constitute a necessary reason for arrest.

It should be noted that often in such crimes, reconciliation takes place between the offender on the one hand, and the victim on the other hand, where the victim waives his right before the Public Prosecution, and the crime is settled between them amicably. Compromise, and in some cases, the victim may be asked to give up his right to financial compensation for the damage he sustained. In the event that a case is filed with the Public Prosecution Office, the latter investigates the crime, decides on the accusation against the offender, and issues its decision to arrest the aggressor or the accused immediately.

Punishment for attempted murder in Saudi law

Punishment for a fight in Saudi Arabia

A quarrel is a group of acts of abuse or aggression between two or more people, and the dispute may be in many forms, whether it is verbal abuse, beating, or movement, but whatever the number of these acts is, the result will be the same, which is the intention to harm others, and therefore a distinction must be made between the acts that It is a form of self-defense, and it is one of the obligations not to impose punishment if its conditions are met, or to attack others with the intent to harm and without right. person, and what led to the result.

The quarrel may result in permanent disability for the victim, complete or partial disability, or even minor injury, according to the report issued by the specialized medical day exclusive. It should be noted that if some tools are used in melees, such as; The use of white weapons, or even firearms, as well as in the case of breakage and vandalism in the places where the quarrel occurred, and in this case compensation must be paid to all those affected by those quarrels, and this compensation is left to the judge who decides on him and sometimes imposes on him exemption from prison sentences and flogging and fine.

The effect of all these sanctions is to deter people who are tempted to do such acts, which are considered a breach of the security and stability of society. Also, such punishments are considered an insult to the sanctity of the human body, which is protected by Islamic laws and Sharia as well. Therefore, every person exposed to such attacks must inform the competent authorities immediately.

Punishment for destroying others’ money in Saudi law

Punishment for assaulting a person in Saudi Arabia

Many people are attacked by other people, and this act constitutes a crime of assault on others, and the attack is divided into two types: first, assault on people, and secondly, assault on property. Types of assault on people, there is an assault with the intention of beating, or assault with the intention of stealing people, and therefore the reasoning for each type differs in the severity of the harm that may befall the victim, as the attack with the intention of beating applies to Article 9 mentioned above, but if the injury continues for more than five Ten days, which resulted in a deliberate assault of a person’s inferiority towards any person, is a criminal offense requiring arrest, according to the decision. Public Prosecution.

Punishment for wife beating in Saudi law

Honoring a woman in Islam, whether she is a wife, mother, sister, or daughter, is the primary feature in the family, and makes up half of the society. He infects her, and he must protect his wife, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has paid great attention to women’s rights, and arranged many deterrent punishments for her husband in the event of his beating, as a punishment for beating a wife in the Saudi system. Imprisonment for up to one year and a fine of up to fifty thousand riyals. The penalty can also be doubled in the case of repeated beatings and assault on the wife, whether this abuse was physical or psychological.

Medical report on cases of beatings in Saudi Arabia

Medical report: “A comprehensive report covering a person’s clinical history by a physician or medical professional familiar with the medical condition of the person who has treated them for an extended period of time.”[4]Medical reports are considered important evidence in cases, as they are exclusive to the main day to determine the extent of the seriousness of the harm to the victim, and to determine the nature of the punishment that the offender deserves. The offender if the offender is unknown, and therefore the criminal attorney must have sufficient knowledge and knowledge in this field, and have extensive knowledge in the field of physical, chemical and medical sciences.

Benefiting from the lawyer’s understanding of these matters is very important and necessary in the subject of the dispute, and therefore his defense memorandum must be the basis of the judgment in the case, the ambiguity that may surround it, and from which the evidence emanate. which the judge depends on in constructing his judgment, whether the judgment is a conviction, acquittal, or a reduction of the sentence, since the medical report is the most important thing that can be presented in crimes such as beatings of any kind; In order to reveal the truth and facts around which the events of the case revolve, it must also prove the guilt of the court and be the basic basis for issuing its rulings.

Every person who is beaten by others must immediately inform the relevant authorities and not tolerate this; This is in order to inflict the appropriate punishment on the offender, as explained in the penalty of beating in Saudi law, and to preserve the security and safety of society from any harm that may shake its stability and the stability of its members.

Conclusion to our topic The penalty of beating in Saudi law, and at the end of the topic, I hope from God Almighty that I have been able to clarify all aspects related to this topic, and that I have provided useful and valuable information.

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