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How many dried figs per day? God Almighty created many and many types of fruits, and all of them contain useful and important nutrients to maintain the health of the body, and we must eat all kinds of fruits while maintaining not to overdo it. Fruits that can be dried while retaining their full nutritional value, and through our next topic on the reference site, we will learn how many dried figs per day and the allowed number of dried figs for children and adults.

How many dried figs per day?

The individual’s need and share of any type of fruit is determined by the amount of natural sugars contained in all types of fruits, in addition to the lack of the necessary nutrients in the human body and how many dried figs per day are allowed for a person as follows:

  • It is allowed to eat between 5-7 figs per day for adults.
  • Babies can mash about 5 figs after boiling them.
  • As for children who are able to chew, they can take 4-5 tablets per day.

How many dried figs per day?

Benefits of dried figs

Figs are sweet fruits and contain seeds with a crunchy taste. Figs are one of the types of fruits rich in natural sugars and can be eaten fresh. Its colors range from purple, red, green and gold, and it is known as Atti Pazham in Tamil, and Athi Pallu, and Atti Pazham in Hindi, one of the studies on the nutritional value of figs published in the American Journal of Nutrition Malayalam and Gulur or Anjeer, proved that dried figs have a nutritional value due to their high content of antioxidants. Oxidation and polyphenols, in addition to dietary fiber and a group of vital elements, which makes eating it a healthy snack, we must make sure that it is included in our diet. Among the most important benefits of dried figs are:[1]

It treats sexual problems

Figs have been known for their therapeutic uses since ancient times to treat some sexual problems, the most important of which are infertility, low stamina, and erectile dysfunction. Many studies have proven that dried figs treat many causes of erectile dysfunction, as the figs content of vitamins B6 and A, potassium, copper and magnesium stimulates the production of erectile dysfunction. Semen, in addition to the high content of dried figs of amino acids that act as a natural aphrodisiac as it provides the body with vitality and works to increase sexual desire, and one of the most important benefits of dried figs for women is to relieve and regulate the symptoms of the menstrual cycle.

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Maintains weight loss

Figs are one of the snacks for those who follow a diet to lose weight, due to the figs content of soluble fibers that increase the feeling of satiety and reduce appetite, and the study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition confirmed that following any diet rich in fiber helps to lose weight. Excess weight and fat accumulated in the body. In addition, dried figs are one of the snacks that treat the problem of thinness and help to gain weight.

Regulates blood pressure

The potassium content of figs helps regulate high blood pressure and prevents the negative effects of sodium. The potassium in blood pressure expands blood vessels, improves blood circulation, maintains muscle health and activates, in addition to activating nerves, relieving stress and feeling relaxed. Therefore, dried figs are one of the best types of figs. Fruits to add to any diet for high blood pressure.

Prevents constipation

Dried figs are known to be one of the best fruits that improve bowel movement and treat digestive and stomach disorders, as it acts as a natural laxative because it is rich in a very high percentage of soluble fibers that improve bowel function, and doubles the stool mass, which facilitates the process of excretion and thus resulted in constipation. .

Treats anal problems

According to a report published in the Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medical Journal, figs are used as a kind of natural remedy for treating hemorrhoids because of their laxative and antispasmodic properties. .

strengthens bones

The content of essential minerals and vitamins in figs, which is a calcium-rich fruit, maintains and strengthens bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. It also promotes bone formation and building. Fresh figs provide you with 180 mg of calcium and vital vitamins C and K necessary to maintain bone density. .

Treats diabetes

Due to the fiber content of figs, the American Diabetes Association recommends eating it as part of the human diet, as fiber works to maintain the level of sugar in the blood, in addition to the fact that the fig leaf drink reduces the insulin needs of people who use insulin to treat diabetes.

Promotes heart health

Some scientific research has confirmed that eating figs reduces the level of triglycerides in the bloodstream, which protects against the risk of heart disease. The content of figs from soluble pectin fibers eliminates the accumulated cholesterol in the blood vessels and removes it from the body through the excretion process. In addition to containing dried figs It is high in antioxidants and potassium that regulates blood pressure, eliminates free radicals from the body and keeps arteries from clogging, which also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Treats Alzheimer’s disease

confirmed Scientific research conducted on figs shows that the system Food that includes figs works on Treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and also helps to improve learning skills in Alzheimer’s patients, and relieves nerve inflammation because it is rich in fiber, minerals necessary for the health of the body such as copper, zinc, magnesium, potassium, vitamin K and antioxidants that enhance memory, and helps improve mood and fights feelings of stress. and anxiety.

Prevents aging associated with macular degeneration

One of the most important benefits of figs is that it prevents age-related macular degeneration, which primarily causes vision loss in the elderly, in addition to maintaining eye health and healthy vision for all ages.

cure insomnia

Dried figs are a very useful food for people who suffer from insomnia, as it works to get rid of insomnia and helps fall asleep, by improving the tryptophan hormone, which helps to sleep soundly, by improving the blood circulation in the body.

Respiratory problems

The content of figs of essential nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins A and C, iron minerals and calcium improves the work of the respiratory system in addition to its effective role in getting rid of phlegm naturally. It also treats and soothes sore throats, coughs and lung obstruction.

Teeth health

The phenolic compounds, flavonoids and phytochemicals found in figs fight tooth decay and eliminate bacteria that result in infection, reduce bacterial infections, and maintain healthy gums, teeth and oral health in general.

The uses of figs for skin health

Figs are wonderful fruits for healthy skin and skin Because of its multiple content of essential nutrients, which made it one of the best types of fruits for all skin types by eating it regularly without excessive or using it as a face mask. The most important benefits of figs for the skin are as follows:[1]

  • Treats pimples: Figs have been used since ancient times in home remedies to treat many different skin problems such as: eczema, vitiligo, and psoriasis. It also helps to get rid of pimples, as it activates the proteolysis of the latex enzyme to remove them easily without leaving any side effects.
  • Wrinkle-free skin: Figs contain antioxidant properties in addition to anti-collagenase, which is one of the compounds that fight and prevent the appearance of wrinkles and leave the skin fresh, and one of the most important benefits of figs to the skin is that it helps reduce the production of melanin in the skin and skin, which prevents the incidence of dark spots and keeps the skin from losing Water and fat, which increases skin hydration and protects it from dehydration, as well as treats hyperpigmentation and acne.
  • Skin nourishment: The nutrients present in figs such as vitamin C, E, and A and antioxidants provide healthy and beneficial nutrition for the skin. They also work to get rid of damaged cells and regenerate skin cells, in addition to maintaining the skin’s pH balance and stimulating blood circulation.

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Nutritional value of dried figs

have clarified USDA Nutritional Value of 100 Grams (g) of Raw Figs And dried figs in calories (kcal), grams, milligrams (mg), and micrograms (micrograms), and this is shown in the following table:[2]

raw figs

raw figs

dried fog


74 calories

249 calories


0.75 g

3.3 grams


0.3 g

0.93 g

Dietary fiber

2.9 grams

9.8 grams


16.26 grams

47.92 grams


35 mg

162 mg


0.37 mg

2.03 mg


17 mg

68 mg


14 mg

67 mg


232 mg

680 mg

Vitamin C

2 mg

1.2 mg

Folic acid

6 mcg

9 micrograms


4.7 mg

15.8 mg

Vitamin A

7 mcg

0 µg


85 mcg

6 mcg

Lutein and zeaxanthin

9 micrograms

32 mcg

Vitamin K

4.7 mcg

15.6 mcg

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Dried figs side effects

Despite the health benefits of eating dried or fresh figs, doctors always warn against excessive intake of any type of fruit, as researchers have confirmed that excessive intake of figs results in many serious health problems that need medical intervention and side effects resulting from Excessive intake of figs includes:[3]

  • Causes allergic reactions: Doctors stressed the need for people with asthma to avoid eating figs, as the chemical compounds in figs cause the risk of conjunctivitis, rhinitis and allergies.
  • Reduces blood sugar: Among the health benefits of eating figs is that it regulates blood sugar for diabetics, but caution should be taken against low blood sugar levels in normal people who do not suffer from diabetes.
  • bleeding: Figs provide the body with more warmth, especially in the winter, but excessive consumption of it results in the risk of retinal bleeding, rectal bleeding, and sometimes slight vaginal bleeding.
  • Restricts Calcium Absorption: Scientific research has proven that one of the side effects of excessive intake of figs is that the body does not absorb its need for calcium because of the oxalate content of figs, which works to reduce the body’s absorption of calcium, thus helping to risk exposure to bone diseases.
  • harmful to the liver: Figs contain a large amount of seeds that are often swallowed when eating figs, which leads to intestinal blockage, indigestion and damage to the liver.
  • Causes bloating: Because of the high fiber content of figs, it takes a longer period to digest, which causes bloating and causes stomach pain.

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Dried figs and its relationship to increased fertility

We mentioned Previously, one of the most important benefits of dried figs is the treatment of sexual problems in men and infertility as well, as it increases the body’s production of sperm, in addition to helping to relax, get rid of insomnia and get enough sleep, which improves performance during marital relationship and lack of feeling One of the most important home recipes for using figs to increase fertility are the following:

boiled figs

With simple steps and easy ingredients, boiled fig juice can be prepared to raise fertility by following these steps:

the ingredients

  • 8 grains of figs.
  • Half a cup of apple juice.
  • Fresh mint leaves.
  • Quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

How to prepare

  • Cut the figs into small pieces.
  • Put all the ingredients with the fig pieces in a bowl and add an appropriate amount of water.
  • Put the pot on the fire and leave for a quarter of an hour until the figs soften.
  • Remove from the heat and drain well, so that the fig juice is ready to be eaten.

Dried figs

It contains a large and useful group of essential nutrients such as soluble dietary fiber and a large proportion of natural sugars, which helps in increasing the sexual ability in men.

Figs, avocado and salsa

A mixture of dried figs with avocado can be made with some natural substances that help improve fertility in men. Avocado juice can be prepared with dried figs by following the following steps:

the ingredients

  • Two dried figs cut into small pieces.
  • Avocado peeled and chopped.
  • Sliced ​​tomato.
  • Two cloves of peeled garlic.
  • spoon of lemon juice.
  • spoonful of honey;

How to prepare

  • Place all of the above ingredients in the bowl of an electric mixer.
  • Run the mixer on medium speed until all ingredients are mixed together.
  • Put the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour, then it is ready to drink.

And at the conclusion of our topic about How many dried figs per day? We have clarified the answer to the question, knowing the most important health benefits of figs in general, in addition to clarifying the damages and knowing the nutritional value of each 100 of dried figs and fresh figs.

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